May 10, 2011

Holy Week 2011

Mama and her friends organized a simple impromptu reunion dinner thursday night (21st April) in our garage because most of the 'LIVEWIRE oldies' was back in town for the holy week. It was good catching up with old friends and neighbors.

The Oldies :)

Woke up very early the next day to reflect/pray the stations of the cross climbing the Agony Hill. Its actually located in our town and the 1st time i climbed it was 10 years ago. Its only my 2nd time to experience it and i must say, it does look different, its more crowded, its has an easier route (but still very tiring) and an easier way down (but still very steep). 

As part of the family's holy week ritual, even if my legs hurt from the Agony Hill experience, i still joined the good friday procession late that afternoon and patiently wait for our turn (coz the line at the church was super long) to kiss 'Papa Jesus' feet. 

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